
The vendor TopDesk have now marked this performance issue as Resolved.

For a full description of their findings - their status page for the incident can be found here:


Update from the vendor - TopDesk - summarised:

Their engineers have identified the cause of the issue, and are working with other parties to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Impact on our Unidesk environment remains low - based on reports to the Service Desk.

Your patience is appreciated while this is being progressed.

TopDesk status page:


We are experiencing some intermittent performance issues in our Unidesk environment.

This can be presented as:

  • delays in updating and saving fields in calls
  • moving between tabs within a Unidesk session

Tasks do complete, in time.

This has been reported to our provider - who have acknowledged the issue - and also that other institutions that use the underlying application TopDesk have been seeing similar.

Their own status page can be found here:

Impact so far has been low - it is being reported to us in small numbers, and for reasonably short periods.

We'll update this post as their investigation progress.

Began at:

Affected components
  • UniDesk