JISC Online Surveys (v2) - maintenance from 4th March - 48 hours

2 days

An update from JISC:

The issue was resolved by 09:00 Monday 4th.

JISC have been testing and monitoring since and can confirm that version 2 (v2) of Online Surveys is again operating as normal.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


JISC have notified us of maintenance planned for version 2 (v2) of Online Surveys from Monday 4 March at 08:00 for up to 48 hours.

While the maintenance is taking place:

  • v2 will not be accessible
  • respondents will not be able to submit responses to open surveys

JISC have created a status page with an FAQ section here: https://www.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/help-support/known-issues/

We will update this post accordingly as it progresses.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Jisc Online Surveys